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Serve at Ascension

Immediate Opportunities



Food items are being collected in the big yellow bin by the Tyler church office. Please check expiration dates to avoid giving outdated items. 


Also being collected are personal care items: the most requested are soaps, shampoo, and toothpaste.

Ongoing Opportunities

Christian Education: Classroom Teachers & Support

There are many ways to get involved with the Christian Education programs at Ascension. You can get involved in the following roles:

Sunday School: Teachers & Classroom Support

Confirmation: Teachers, Mentors, & Classroom Support

G-Force: Teachers, Classroom Support, & Other Support   

Vacation Bible School: Teachers, Classroom Support, & Other Support

Music Ministry: Tyler Campus

The Tyler Campus offers Lutheran liturgical worship services with a traditional music style. Instrumentalists and vocalists have many opportunities to share their gifts during worship.


Sanctuary Choir

Alleluia Bells

Ascension Brass

Organist: Contact Bernice Karstensen for more info 


Special Music Soloists, Vocal Groups, Instrumental Groups

Alleluia Bells

The Alleluia Bells play at the Tyler Campus services September - May, alternating between the early and late Sunday services. Want to

learn to play? There is also a “Beginning Bells” program.

Music Ministry: Maple Campus

The Maple Campus offers Lutheran liturgical worship services with a contemporary music style. Instrumentalists and vocalists have many opportunities to share their gifts during worship.


Praise Bands: Vocalists & Instrumentalists

Worship Support: Tyler Campus

There are many roles which ensure that a worship service happens smoothly. Below are the ways that you can get involved in supporting worship at Tyler Campus.


Nursery Care



Sound Board

Offering Counters

Sermon Recording

Altar Flowers

Worship Support: Maple Campus

There are many roles which ensure that a worship service happens smoothly.  Below are the ways that you can get involved in supporting worship at Maple Campus.

Nursery Care

Children's Church Support

Greeters & Ushers: Contact Cyndy Bressler

Video/Sound Board

Offering Counters

Facilities Support

Facility Repairs, Lawn Care Teams, Campus Work Days

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Information last updated 03.28.2018

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