Raise happy and well-behaved kids with positive, loving tools
The Love and Logic approach to parenting is built around the science of crafting caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving relationship built on trust and understanding.
Sounds easy enough but never before in history have parents been faced with so many challenges! Our approach provides a variety of simple and effective strategies for parenting children from birth to adulthood. Whether you’re embarking for the first time with your new baby or navigating the turbulent teens with your youngest, our strategies and techniques will help you create calm and loving solutions.
Choose "Love"
The “Love” in Love and Logic means that we love our kids so much that we are willing to set and enforce limits. This “Love” also means that we do so with sincere compassion and empathy.
Choose "Logic"
The “Logic” in Love and Logic happens when we allow children to make decisions, affordable mistakes and experience the natural or logical consequences. When we balance this with sincere empathy, they develop the following logic:
The quality of my life depends on the quality of my choices.
With the loving yet powerful tools of Love and Logic, we can help our children learn to make good choices and experience happy lives while maintaining their love and respect.
Specialized solutions for a range of challenges, including:
Picky Eating
Potty Training
Social Media
Special Needs
Teen Driving
Toddler Tantrums
Much More!
Parenting class with Melissa Meyer.
10 AM - 11:30 AM
Beginning September 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20.
Cost $35 Single / $50 Couple.
Please make your check out to Ascension Lutheran Church.
You payment is due the first night of class.
Please signup if childcare is needed. $5 per night. Please bring your $5 to each session you will need care.
Questions? Contact Pastor G.